Kouz T, Mansour S, Mesmoudi H, Dakkak H, Cherkaoui Dekkaki H. (2020) : Assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution as part of integrated management in coastal areas. Case of Ghiss-Nekkour basin (North East of Morocco). La Houille Blanche - Revue Internationale de l'Eau. ISSN: 0018-6368, LHB. 2020, 2, 63-73. DOI : 10.1051/lhb/2020019
Cherkaoui Dekkaki H. (2020): Impact of hydroagricultural structures on groundwater in arid area. Case of the KTAOUA aquifer (Middle Valley of Draa). EWASH & Ti Journal. ISSN: 2509 - 1069. Volume 4, Issue 2, June 2020. pp. 340-346
Kouz, T., Mansour, S., Mourabit, T., Zerrouk Hassani, M., Etebaai, I. & Cherkaoui Dekkaki, H. (2019). Application of the“PRK Plus”approach to evaluate the sensitivity of the Coastal Aquifer of Ghiss Nekkour against pollution (North East of Morocco). La Houille Blanche, 5-6, 16–25. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1051/lhb/2019052
Kouz T, Mansour S, Mourabit T, Hassani Zm, Etebaai I, Cherkaoui Dekkaki H. (2019): Application of the “PRK Plus” approach to evaluate the sensitivity of the Coastal Aquifer of Ghiss-Nekkour against pollution (North East of Morocco). La Houille Blanche - Revue Internationale de l'Eau. ISSN : 0018-6368, LHB. 5-6 : 16-25. DOI : 10.1051/lhb/2019052
Cherkaoui Dekkaki & J. Lanoue (2018) : Elaboration d’une approche multicritère pour la recherche de sites de décharges contrôlées de Classe 1 au Maroc », Déchets sciences et techniques, N°76, mis à jour le : 23/04/2018, ISSN : 2268-7289, 11-20
Cherkaoui Dekkaki, M. Benali, A. Aittaleb, H. Myzy, M. Hassani Zerrouk & A. Mesmoudi (2018): Evaluation of intrinsic vulnerability against seawater intrusion using the GALDIT approach. Application to the Rmel aquifer (North West of Morocco). J. Mater. Environ. Sci., ISSN : 2028-2508, Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 107 -112